Michele McIntosh resides in Oklahoma as a Legit Kits Certified Instructor.

Michele’s love for sewing began at the age of three, and over the years, it has blossomed into a deep passion for quilting and creating "quilted things" of all kinds— from quilts to shoes, bags, clothing, and beyond. Michele discovered Legit Kits patterns and was immediately captivated by their vivid designs, eventually becoming a tester and now a proud Certified Instructor.

As an international teacher, Michele is excited to share her knowledge and passion for quilting with others.  While teaching abroad, she visits Modern Quilt Guilds and meets fellow quilters to exchange ideas, techniques, and inspiration.  Making quilty friends around the world is the best!

Outside of quilting, Michele is a mother of three and a proud owner of three mini dachshunds, who her children affectionately joke are their "replacements." Whether she’s sewing a new project or spending time with her family and pets, Michele is always immersed in the joy of creativity and connection.

Michele McIntosh 

Teaching Area: Worldwide


Shelby Mowrey


Lorena Wood